Alaska Natives and American Indian Baha’is are the giants who will do this

The Founding Class of Rise, or the members of the Rosa Internet Startup Entrepreneurs, is the lever and fulcrum that young Alaska Natives and American Indian Baha’is will use to create the circumstances that will self-fund and build and maintain the entire Rosa University system which will consist of 19 branches spread throughout the Americas each having 360 students who participate in the work-study programs of the university.

Although the Rise Business School will act to self-fund the founding branch of Rosa University and subsequently also provide for the establishment of the initial 19 branches of the Rosa University system in the first decade of its growth, however, the expansion and consolidation plan of the Rosa University system is far more extensive because it is to double the number of branches of the system every ten years for one hundred years. As you can imagine this expansion will cost an enormous amount, however, the Rosa University system is built to be self-funding so no matter the cost the system will provide for itself without the need for any outside funding which means it will never be controlled by those from whom funding would normally be requested.

What does “create the circumstances” mean? This portion of the fuller answer in the FAQ explains:

“Entrepreneurs invent or innovate a business model or service to create their own circumstances in life. The reason Rise students with no prior entrepreneurial experience can create astonishing results is because the Rise work-study program starts at the beginning. First it sets the stage for success by conditioning the mind of all the students to invent and innovate solutions to what may appear to be impossible problems. This is done by using the history of the internet and demonstrating how iconic companies across the planet have changed problems into opportunities in order to serve vast numbers of people and produce enormous profit. So in this sense “create the circumstances” means creating objectives and working and studying to make it happen.”

At this time, the duty and responsibility of the Founding Class of Rise and Michael Quinn, the startup teacher and administrator, is to create the circumstances that provides for the self-funding of sequential Founding Classes of the Rise Business School, and, also, to provide for the establishment of an endowment that will aid in the self-funding of the entire Rosa University system especially in the first decades of its growth.

Alaska Natives and American Indian Baha’is will build Rosa University. It is clear that the building of the Rosa University system – having 19 locations spread across various nations in the Americas during the first decade of its expansion and also having thousands of students and hundreds of teachers – is more than one person can deliver and will require the cooperation and collaboration of a large number of talented people including professional educators and administrators. As a result, a great number of people have to be hired and paid like clockwork because their responsibility will be to meet and satisfy the overarching objective which is to build and operate the entire accredited Rosa University system within less than one decade. This means there must be a constant flood of money to support the system, but, in our case, money is not the problem.

Where will the money come from? The money to build Rosa University will come through the heroic efforts of the Rise students, however, where will the consecrated souls who will actually staff the university come from? Some may be Rise students on fire to devote a portion of their lives and participate in building Rosa University for their brothers and sisters throughout the Americas and others may be experienced administrators and teachers hired to bend their wills to develop the transformative work-study programs and curriculum of the university system. In both case, the Rosa University business model provides for paying educators of every kind including Rise graduates who become teachers and administrators and, also, those whose profession is to develop transformative curricula that teachers and administrators who work on the front lines can use as they expertly apply their knowledge, training, experience, and service on behalf of all students, and, at the same time, Rosa also provides for paying all students a monthly stipend across the entire Rosa University work-study model because in a mature world everyone deserves a wage or other remuneration or compensation for service, and in Mexico, Central and South America the poverty is so severe among Indians in most places that the American Indian Baha’i students who long for the opportunity and influence of a higher education may need to send money home to help their families live.

Who will Build the Facilities?

Insofar as the infrastructure of the 19 branches is concerned, the plan is not to build the buildings but to buy already existing buildings in the countries where the university branches will be located and renovate them as needed. So, once again, the problem is not money or infrastructure, the challenge is to find the consecrated Baha’i souls who will devote themselves to a lofty goal and help with their entire hearts to build and maintain Rosa University in order to both naturally and systematically provide the means for American Indian Baha’is themselves to not only self-fund the university, but also be its selfless administrators and professors whose mission is to develop and implement a progressive and expansive curriculum that organically infuses a consciousness into every student that is so transformative it produces graduates who recognize their divine mission and have naturally “… become so illumined as to enlighten the whole world.”

None of this is impossible. Because when American Indians bend their wills to a task the entire Supreme Concourse of their ancestors will rush to their aid.

Baha’i Educators and Administrators

This is the challenge that educators and administrators like Dr. Daniel Jordan and Dr. Donald Streets longed for during their illustrious careers. These remarkable Baha’is dedicated themselves to the art of producing a substantive and transformative education for their students, most of whom perhaps are not yet born.

The great and imperishable hope is that even before the abundant self-funding produced by the efforts of Rise gushes forth to enable the roll out of Rosa University, indigenous Baha’i educators and administrators will arise and with all the force of their hearts and spirits consecrate themselves to prepare to build and develop and administrate every aspect of Rosa University seeing it as their opportunity to paint their individual portions of a divinely ordained masterpiece because, remember, Abdu’l-Baha said, “… these Indians, should they be educated and guided, there can be no doubt that they will become so illumined as to enlighten the whole world.” So this objective may be said to be divinely ordained, and, in sum, this means American Indian Baha’is must themselves rise up and strive to urgently discover and create an indigenous science of education – the first iteration of a transformative educational model, improving and modifying it progressively – in order to educate and guide an entire race scattered throughout the Americas, casting out whatever has not produced enlightenment and, perhaps, at their discretion, instead of reinventing the wheel or falling into the mire of an iterative and self-defeating Saber-Tooth Curriculum choosing, an alternate and expeditious route, and implementing what Dr. Daniel Jordan, their beloved co-believer, co-educator, and true brother, labored to establish during his short but exemplary life: far reaching educational practices aspects of which have been empirically tested and organized to create a new race of thinking men and women who will work to infuse a new spirit across the earth that is characterized by worship of God and service to humanity.

The Intervening Step to Rosa University

In the meantime, however, the present and urgent challenge is to start Rise because without the essential step of the innovative and high-minded Rise entrepreneurial startup itself no single part of the Rosa University system and business model with its integral work-study programs which self-fund, and support and underpin the entire system can be built. So, first things first. Start the Founding Class of Rise and inspire young American Indian Baha’is to work together and create the circumstances for Rosa University to be self-funded across the Americas for hundreds of years. Only this action will enable the overarching objective.